Charlotte Moats
Volkl, Tecnica, Phenix, Kombi, Smith, Boeri, Marker, Snowbird/Alta

Name a few things you can’t live without?

Favorite Movie?

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
My Boeri is an integral part of every single day I spend on the slopes. I never click into my skis without it - even if I�m just headed out for a mellow cruise. Yet there are certain days when my helmet has played a particularly important role. The day that sticks out like a neon green one-piece is January 9th 2001. I was inspecting the venue for the Canadian Freeskiing Championships and was about to lap back to the start. I chose what I viewed as a dependable way down, a line that I had skied 20 times before, and the same line I had won that event with the year before. But this time the landing (which I could not see from the take off), had been worn out by the high number of competitors hitting it during inspection. Next thing I knew I was hurdling toward a rock wall 50 ft. ahead of me at about 40 m.p.h. The way the fall-line worked I had to crunch against the rock four times before I bounced out into the bowl. I hit it face/head/back first. When I came to a stop the people below me screamed and expected the worst. Save one busted knee, I was completely fine. When I close my eyes and replay that moment before impact � hurdling headfirst into that wall of rock � my Boeri MUST have saved me in a way that I don�t want to imagine. But it is not only the dramatic crashes that make me value my brain bucket. I�ve found that it�s often when you�re doing what you think is easy - when your guard is down in a sense - that helmets are most important. Plenty of early mornings before I�m warmed up I�ll be making slow, easy turns on a cat track or through small bumps, catch an edge and whack my head. Picking myself up I think two things: 1) I hope no one saw that; 2) Damn, I�m glad I had my helmet on. Even if I�m just headed out to snowplow with my little sister I always wear my helmet, and so does she, in case someone hits her. With all the models offered today there is just no excuse not to find one that works for you, and make it a staple of your daily skiwear. You know what people say, �If someone�s not wearing a helmet, it could only mean they don�t have a brain to protect.� If you�re worried about looking cool let me tell you this: helmets are sexy, brain damage is not. On that note, get off the computer and go ski!!!!!!!